Experience the synergy between oral care and whole body wellness

Cutting-edge dental techniques with a patient-centered approach.

Comprehensive, restorative treatments that consider all biological, medical, and dental aspects to bring deep healing from within.

Business Hours

Mon – Wed     10am – 4pm
Thurs               Closed
Fri                      10Am – 3pm
Sat                     10Am – 3pm
Sun                    Closed

Holistic Dental SPA

Holistic Approach

We are proud to serve the Montclair and Essex County areas with over 30 years of experience in holistic dentistry. Let our team evaluate your symptoms, identify your needs, resolve the problem and help you reach optimal whole body wellness.

Our Mission

Our mission is to apply treatments that encompass all of the medical, dental and biological aspects of health in order to achieve optimal healing. We want to provide a long-lasting quality of life for our patients by providing therapies that focus on whole body health and wellness.

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We believe in treating the whole body, not just your mouth, teeth and gums. We understand the importance of providing each patient with the personalized treatment they deserve.